Co-Curricular Activities

08 Sepimg

Ashramites Celebrated National Sports Day On 30th August,2022, National Sports Day was celebrated in the premises of Shri Ram Ashram Public School, The Mall, Amritsar with great fervour and zeal. To mark the birth anniversary of legendary hockey player Major Dhyan Chand,widely known as'Hockey Wizard' and'The Magician', a special assembly was conducted where students were enlightened with the importance and relevance of National Sports day. Nearly 3000 students of the school from grade-II to grade-XII participated whole heartedly in a variety of sports events. The little ones of grade-II had fun during the 'Banana Race', grade-III enjoyed 'Lemon Race', fun loving races like 'Tie the Laces' and 'Balance a Notebook on the Head' were organised for the enthusiastic students of grade-IV & V respectively. The young students of grade-VI loved to play the game like'Throw the Ball in the Basket'. In 'Rope Skipping' students of grade-VII showcased their stamina. The game 'Dodgeball' was really fun for the passionate students of grade-VIII. The most awaited event of the day was'Tug of War'. Senior students of grade-IX to XII had a tough competition to win the game. The most captivating sight was the presence of the little girls attired as 'Cheer Girls' cheering the participants to put their efforts to win. All the participants played with the true spirit of sportsmanship and exhibited their athletic skills. The event came to a close with the distribution of prizes to the winners. The revered Principal, Dr. Vinodita Sankhyan, gave away the certificates to the achievers of grade-II to grade-VIII, the winners of IX to XII were awarded Trophy for 'Tug of War'.