About Us

Education is the most powerful tool which can be used to change the world.
Shri Ram Ashram Public School, one of the most prestigious schools in Punjab, founded in 1923 at the behest and benediction of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Ji and other national leaders with the sole aim and objective of providing value based quality education. Since then it has been a path breaker in the pursuit of excellence. Its endeavour of integrating with quality is reflected in the outstanding results of X & XII year after year and accolades won in different fields. The school considers education to be a life-long process which should have a strong foundation.The goal of the school is to inculcate in each student a love for learning and a desire to excel at every level. The school also aims at equipping the students with the intellectual and practical skills that are necessary to meet the challenges in the future. We assure you that here your child will become an enlightened citizen with a well groomed and balanced personality.
"We aim at making every child a human being first, before he/she become an Engineer, Doctor, Philosopher or an Educator."
Our Vision
To blend Indian customs and traditions with the global standards of education and facilitate value based quality education to maximum number of children of our society within their affordable resources.
Our Mission
The mission of Shri Ram Ashram Public School is 'to open doors & open minds' and prepare the ground for the future of the nation. Besides that, we intend to nurture holistic excellence integrating life skills, core values and competencies in tandem incorporating the best practices.

Dr. Vinodita Sankhyan
Principal's MessageIn the last 25 years, Shri Ram Ashram Public School, has created its place in the society in terms of academics sports and co-curricular achievements. The brand stands for outstanding excellence in all fields, focussed and dedicated work ethics and above all nurturing children who have a balanced and a well grounded value system and are able to contribute positively to the society. The children are given a conducive environment to grow as creative human.

Sh. Balbir Bajaj
President's MessageThe school has a holistic approach towards imparting the finest education through analysis, ideas, observation and discussion. The learning process takes the child to perfection through a step by step ladder. Shri Ram Ashram brings out the best in every child in an atmosphere of stress-free learning. It also provides a plethora of co-curricular activities that help to sustain the young minds in multiple ways. I wish a bright future to all the students.
Our Facilities
An auditorium is a central and important space in a school. It provides the students their first introduction to performing arts both as audience and performers. Auditorium in our school is a star attraction. Webinar, seminars, work shops , functions and celebrations are organised here.
Bajaj Kids Zone
The newly built Kids Zone is the pioneer step in kindergarten and elementary education of Shri Ram Ashram Public School. It is designed using the best kids’ education theme to show creativity. It offers a comfortable area where kids get a chance to infuse their energy in creative activities.
Replete with fitness equipments, the school's lush park is now doubled up as open air gym cum park.This outdoor gym equipments are made up of heavy gauge steel with strong construction to last in outdoor environment. The equipments are powder coated in vibrant colors for a durable finish. These equipments emphasize on the leg and lower body muscles. Exercising outdoors provides all the physical benefits of indoor exercise (blood flow, improved cardiovascular health, improved strength, flexibility, endurance, etc.) and can also provide vital exposure to sunlight that increases important levels of vitamin D, maximum intake of fresh air or oxygen, unlike indoor exercise.
Badminton Court
Shri Ram Ashram Public School differs in the realm of sports with specially designated sport arena and courts for each game. Upholding the benefits of badminton the school has constructed a special indoor badminton court to boost physical, mental and social aspect of health of students during their decisive years of schooling. The school has a professionally laid out national level badminton court with synthetic flooring and fulfills all the necessary requirements.
Our school is offering STEM Education for the students through robotics using NXT-9797 Kit to trigger children's natural curiosity and desire to explore, invent and reinvent their world. Our school was first in Amritsar to start STEM Education in this way in the year 2016.
NCC aims to develop character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst our young students. Further, it aims at creating a pool of organized, trained and motivated students with leadership qualities so that they can serve the nation regardless of which career they choose. Needless to say, the NCC also provides an environment conducive to the students to join the armed forces.
Music & Orchestra
Music department of our school always buzzes with creativity. School realises the importance of Music and Dance for the holistic development of the students and hence ample opportunity and exposure is given to the students to get a feel of their own potential.
Sports & Games
Good health, stamina and mental alertness are the requirements of a child’s holistic development. For the purpose, the school has developed a strong infrastructure for promoting sports and games. Sports make students emotionally and physically healthy.
Science Lab
A Science Lab is a workplace for the conduct of the scientific research. It helps the students to understand the concepts better. It is a facility that provides controlled conditions for research and experiments to be performed. The school has excellent laboratories of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
School gardens are a wonderful way to use the schoolyard as a classroom, reconnect students with the natural world and the true source of their food, and teach them valuable gardening and agriculture concepts and skills that integrate with several subjects, such as math, science, art, health and physical education, and social studies, as well as several educational goals, including personal and social responsibility.
Library is considered to be a light house of knowledge and we are lucky to have a spacious, well-ventilated, well-stocked library equipped with both printed and e-books in our school. It is supervised by qualified librarians. The treasure of books covers a wide range including short stories, plays, collection of poems, fictions, classics, adventure stories, Computer, Maths, Psychology, Phylosophy, General Knowledge, Science, History, Geography, Art, Photography, Travel & Tourism, different encyclopedia series, Dictionaries etc.
The school has a separate medical room with full time Medical Officer to provide necessary first-aid to the students in time of emergency. An annual health check-up including dental and eye check-up is a regular feature along with maintaining medical record of each and every child. All students and staff members are covered under a unique Medical Insurance policy by the school
Some important facts about us
Class Rooms