Rules & Regulation

  • It is the duty of every Ashramite to live up to the glory and prestige of his/her institution by his/her good conduct and etiquettes.
  • Care must be taken of all school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desks or charts or damage any furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or damage things belonging to others. Damage done should be reported at once to the Class Teacher or the Supervisor. Any damage done will have to be compensated by the parents of the student(s) concerned.
  • Dignity and protocol must be observed in the whole school during school hours. There should not be any noise at the change of periods.
  • Chewing of gum is prohibited in the school premises.
  • Students are not permitted to bring portable games, toys, tabs, mobile phones, MP3 player and any other valuables to school. If there is a particular reason for carrying any of the aforementioned, it should be handed in the office in the morning and collected at the end of the school day. Students are responsible for their personal belongings and the school accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred to these belongings. Surprise checking will be done from time to time and if found, will be confiscated.
  • The school reserves the right to suspend/expel students whose conduct is harmful to other students/ to the school.
  • Private tuitions are not allowed as they reduce self confidence, initiative and encourage laziness and inattentiveness in students.
  • Parents are requested to check and sign the school diary regularly, especially taking care of the teacher's remarks and it can also be used for communicating with the teacher.
  • In case the diary or l-card is lost, the student will have to buy a new one immediately at the cost fixed by the school.
  • In case a student misplaces any library book he/she has to pay double the price of the book.
  • It is compulsory for every student to attend all programmes arranged by the school unless made optional.
  • During assembly and morning activity no child is allowed to sit in the class room without prior permission of the class In-charge or Supervisor.
  • All articles possessed by the students should be labeled properly with student's name and class. If misplaced and not marked, the school bears no responsibility.
  • The daily requirement (meals, stationery and books etc.) have to be brought to the school by students. The child will not be allowed to make a call to ask for any thing he/she has forgotten / left at home.
  • Students should carry books and notebooks strictly according to the time able. They should not carry heavy bags.
  • Students will not be allowed to leave the school midway. In case of such a requirement, a note from the parents is to be sent to the Principal.
  • No child is allowed to leave the school after the recess, except for unforeseen emergencies.

  • The birthday boy/girl may come in decent coloured attire to school.
  • Girls are not allowed to wear high heels.
  • A pack of sweets along with a book (age appropriate) for class library be brought to the school.
  • Birthday parties will not be allowed in the school.
  • Havan will be conducted for Birthday students and teachers on every First Wednesday of every month.

  • Uniform is an important part of School's life. It helps the child to identify with his school and take pride in it. We should respect it by keeping it neat and clean and wearing it in the proper manner.
  • All girls are required to wear cycling shorts with skirts. All boys must wear an underpant under their shorts or trousers.
  • The uniform shall be worn everyday. Any student who comes to school without the uniform or whose appearance is in any way untidy, is liable to be sent home.
  • Girls should have two plaits with centre parting or tie back their hair properly. No fancy hair clips to be worn.
  • Identity card shall be worn by all pupils everyday.
  • No jewellery or accessories are allowed.
  • No make-up or nail enamel is permitted. Nails should be properly trimmed.
  • Boys should keep their hair cut simple. Application of gel is not allowed.
  • Boys are not allowed to wear low waist trousers.
  • The length of the shirt should be appropriate enough to be tucked in the trousers properly. Violation of this code will be considered a serious uniform offence.
  • The socks must be cleaned and the shoes must be polished regularly.

  • Kindly check the haircut, uniform and punctuality of your ward in the morning.
  • Kindly mark or label your child's tie, pullover, blazer and shoes so that they may be identifiable if mixed up or misplaced.

  • The School organizes P.T. Meet from time to time to discuss the progress of the children and to share ideas on areas of concern and methods of possible improvement in the children and the school functioning.
  • Students are to come on these meetings in proper school uniform only.
  • Students without uniform or in improper uniform will not be entertained.
  • Parents are free to write their suggestions regarding the school in the suggestion box near the reception.
  • Parents should meet all Academic, Activity and Sports Teachers.